Compliance Standards

Compliance Standards
Jefferson’s Ferry is committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the highest degree of ethics integrity, and compliance with applicable governing laws and regulations.  At Jefferson’s Ferry, ethics, integrity, and compliance are vital to the success of Jefferson’s Ferry and we dedicate ourselves to living these principles every day.   In support of this commitment, we have developed a Compliance Plan and Standards of Conduct (see attached) that outlines the standards by which all Jefferson’s Ferry officers, directors, employees, volunteers, vendors, and other Affected Individuals must conduct themselves in order to protect and promote integrity and to enhance Jefferson’s Ferry’s ability to live its mission fully.

The Compliance Plan and Standards of Conduct demands the adherence to irreproachable standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality, and ethical and moral decision making in the manner in which we treat our residents, fellow employees, volunteers and vendors and in how we conduct daily operations.   The safeguarding of these standards is vital to assure trust. Upholding that trust and Jefferson’s Ferry’s reputation overall requires close observance of these principles on the part of its Board of Directors, Management team, Employees, Volunteers and Vendors.  Although the Jefferson’s Ferry Compliance Plan and Standards of Conduct cannot address every possible situation, it sets forth the basic principles and standards which are expected of all members of the Jefferson’s Ferry Community.  Corporate Compliance concerns should be immediately reported to any of the following:

Compliance Office

Compliance Hotline
1(844) 824-1954

Compliance Plan and Standards of Conduct
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